In search of a new home


I know I haven’t written in a while, and I apologize. My gym (box) has closed it’s doors and I have been in search of a new “home”. In the mean time I have dropped into a couple local places but nothing has felt just right yet. My girlfriends and I have been doing home WOD’s and A LOT of cardio. I have been going to the Rosebowl 2x a week to do the loop there which is 3mi. Talk about finding out if you’re out of cardio shape! The first day I did it I ran it one time and walked it after. The 2 days after that I could barely walk!! Thus teaching me the importance of cardio, not only for endurance but you use entirely different muscles than you do during a WOD or olympic lifting. I am hoping to join a strength and conditioning gym that my coach is at but it is pretty pricey so I will let you guys know when I get back into the swing of things. I am trying to keep all my gains as best I can, I am also thinking of buying some equipment and building a home gym in my garage. Have any of you done that? Do you find the same motivation working out at home as you did in a gym? I am afraid I wont be as committed because I am not held as accountable since I’m not paying an arm and a leg for it, and I’d be coaching myself…this is so frustrating but everything happens for a reason right? 🙂

until next time….

Love, laugh, lift!


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